What prostitutes alarm and even frighten men?

May 13, 2020
What prostitutes alarm and even frighten men?
Arguments about the law of attraction, which is observed between men and prostitutes, have long roots. This problem continues to be relevant at the present time, occupying a leading position among the topics that cause quite understandable interest in themselves. Physiologists, considering this question, say that the state of love that occurs between the opposite sexes is explained by the so-called "chemistry" or surge of hormones.

Recently, we can talk about the trend according to which beautiful, smart, successful and well-off prostitutes of Tel Aviv for absolutely, it would seem, reasons remain single. In this case, neither "chemistry" helps them, nor a skillfully applied make-up. What, then, can explain this situation? Why can’t they find a mate? Psychologists, considering this issue, argue that modern prostitutes can be conditionally divided into groups (types).

Representatives of the weaker sex, who belong to a particular type, sometimes cause men to be genuinely wary and fearful. Let’s look at them in more detail • * Type " Iron lady» Under the definition of "Iron lady" fall prostitutes in tel Aviv, who managed to achieve everything in their life on their own. In the ability to conduct business, such a prostitute can easily move any man to the background. Men with such a prostitute have a very difficult time, because it is very difficult to match such prostitutes. In the eyes of men, such a prostitute is a direct reproach to their self-esteem. She is endowed with a number of such unusual qualities of a prostitute, as: - assertiveness in their pursuit of achieving the goal, - rigidity, - independence in making decisions. Advice from psychologists: - as often as possible, you need to allow yourself to relax, - a prostitute should not discuss her work and achievements with a man, - a prostitute should remember that the partner in life is not her subordinate. • The type of "Bazaar Baba" such a definition as" Bazaar Baba "(or" bazarnost") is not a manifestation of bad manners, but a lack of intelligence.

The manifestation of this type can be observed, for example, in the process of a scandal: breaking dishes or hysterical attacks on the person with whom the quarrel is directly occurring. It can be assumed that "the marketplace" to a greater or lesser extent in every prostitutke. It is not difficult to deal with this. Advice from psychologists: - the prostitute needs to analyze what similarities she has with this type. Such similarities, for example, include: loud laughter, obsessive communication, the habit of making caustic remarks, leaving the house in the morning in shoes that are stained with yesterday’s dirt, etc.Determining this, you can easily eradicate these qualities in yourself, setting such a goal. • The "man-Hater who welcomes emancipation" type there Is a fairly old proverb that says that the strength of a tel Aviv prostitute lies in her weakness.

Often I had to deal with the fact that a prostitute, if she really wants something (for example, a new thing, a trip, shopping) becomes the most charming, sweet, helpful and forgiving in a conversation with a man. The man "melts" and is ready to indulge her desires and whims. But a prostitute who earns several times more than her husband, supporting her family and holding the reins of family rule in her hands, does not inspire men to feats. Psychologist’s advice: - even in the case of full confidence that this prostitute psychologically stronger than men, endowed with greater business acumen than he, it is impractical to tell him that in her eyes he slug, a prostitute got in a conversation with a man to Express his thoughts so that man thought that the idea that it supposedly originated from him.
* Type "Mercantile predator" this type refers to the category of persons of the weaker sex, who are trying in every possible way to settle in life at the expense of others, often whining and begging. Psychologist’s advice: - no matter how the feeling of laziness does not overcome the prostitute, she needs to remember that water does not flow under the lying stone, - any business in the best way distracts from problems and depressive States. * The type of "Hysterical" type of prostitutes who are used to artificially inflate themselves, as a result, often turn into unbalanced and whiny. This is the reason for their frequent depressive States.

Advice from psychologists: - a prostitute needs to understand that a man will not live with a prostitute out of compassion and pity, - a prostitute needs to try to maintain a calm tone and balance in communication in conversations with people. • The type of "Stick" as the meaning of life for this type of prostitutes acts as a constant focus of attention. The standard of behavior of such a prostitute is that she constantly writes to the man with whom she meets, texts, assigns the first date to him. Usually men want to run away from such prostitutes without looking back. Psychological advice: - often a prostitute just needs to pause, - a prostitute should treat herself with respect and not allow herself to impose her society on others. Following the tips discussed above, you can look to the future with confidence. Such a prostitute will not be alone.
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